Abstract submission deadline extended
Additional information regarding abstract submissions and guidelines will be available by September 2024.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Website Guidelines
- All abstracts must be submitted through the WAPR 2025 Online Portal.
- Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- Abstract Types Accepted: Oral (in person/pre-recorded, duration:15 minutes), Poster (in person), Institutes (in person/pre-recorded, duration: 30 minutes). If you are interested in having a longer presentation, please choose the Institute option. There is no difference in structure between Oral and Institutes.
- If the pre-recorded option is chosen, accepted presenters must record themselves delivering the presentation and submit the finalized recording to the conference organizers no later than one month prior to the event. All presenters who choose the pre-recorded option and will not attend the event onsite are required to complete virtual registration
- Abstract Categories Accepted: Research, Non-research
- Themes: To explore the themes in detail, click here.
- Length: 250 words, not including title, authors, and affiliations.
- Abstract Structure:
- Background
- Purpose
- Method
- Results
- Conclusion(s)
- Standard abbreviations may be used undefined, but non-standard abbreviations must be defined. Arabic numerals should be used for numbers except when beginning a sentence.
- The use of tables, graphs, and other types of images is not permitted in the abstract.
- No changes can be made to abstracts once the abstract submission deadline has passed.
- Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered and paid participants. Registration must be received by the Secretariat by the Early Registration Deadline to ensure inclusion of the abstract in the meeting publications and in order to be scheduled for presentation.
- Abstract should be submitted by the Presenting Author. The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- The Scientific Committee will determine the presentation type of each accepted abstract, with consideration given to the author’s preference. The committee’s decision is final.
By submitting the abstract, you consent to the PSR Canada publishing (including recording and broadcasting) your submitted materials to the websites and social media channels.